
2004 Geissler Family Reunion
Disney World, Florida

June 6-11, 2004

Every so often, the Geissler Family takes it in mind to get together... mostly through the good graces of our oldest brother Evan (who'll be 60 in September) (or, more accurately, through the organizational skills of our sister, Evan's wife, Judith, who will not be 60 this September no matter what her ditzy family may think). Two years ago, it was at their Indiana lake house. This year (in case you didn't recognize the real estate to the left), it was at Disney World.

The Mouse may never be the same.

Getting everybody together is not easy, and we never manage to get everyone there no matter how hard we try. But we did a fair job. Of the siblings, we had (in order) the oldest brother Evan (I did mention that he'll be 60 in September, didn't I?) and wife Judith, me, Paul, Kacy and husband Mike, Fred, and Bill and wife Carolyn. Of the kids, we had (in order) Tim, Gina, Ian, Thomas, Katya, Rose, Dennis and Duncan. (Brother Warren and wife Patty and Patty's sons Alex and Harry also joined the party, but not until late Tuesday -- a story in and of itself! Something about going east instead of west and ending up at Cape Canaveral instead of Orlando... but we won't go into that...)

Getting photos is even harder. We did manage to snag Carolyn and Duncan and Dennis, Bill and Rose (in an unflattering self-portrait), Mike, Ian and Kacy (and Duncan), Judith and me and Paul (with Thomas in a blur behind), Rose and Katya, Alex and Warren, Judith and Warren, Patty (and Duncan). The ones who escaped the camera at one point usually got swept up in a group shot: Photo 1 and Photo 2 [clockwise from lower left: Evan, me, Katya, Paul, Judith holding Duncan and Tim]. Even Harry (who thought he could escape by sleeping until 5 p.m. every day) was rounded up with his family at the airport: Photo 3 [from left: Harry, Alex, Patty and Warren].

When the first wave was all in, we observed Evan and Judith's tradition of having a toast to one and all: Photo 4 [from left, Judith, Evan, Paul and Gina]; and Photo 5 [clockwise from lower left: Mike, Thomas' blue pants leg, Ian, Kacy, Fred, the headless me in white, Rose's black pants and Katya's blue ones, Judith, Paul, Gina and Evan (the photographer, Bill, was on an upstairs landing after putting both his little boys and his wife to bed!)].

The first major group event of the reunion was a trip in to the Magic Kingdom for a character dinner. That meant, first, getting the bus from the resort called Old Key West, which was probably the favorite part of the whole reunion for Dennis. He seemed to be appropriately impressed on his first view of the castle. Somehow he was less enthusiastic when I told him that the rabbit we spotted outside the restaurant would be his dinner...

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Photos copyright 2004 assorted Geisslers, Russells, St. Clairs
and other miscreants and malcontents
