Letters 1950-1968, Clay Rex Cottrell to his daughter Hazel ("Totsy")
New Deal Tex
Feb 27 - 50
Dear Tots and Hugo.
How are you and the little wildcat by now? I bet she will make you jump now that she walks. ... I hate this place now and I get really home sick to come back to Colo and some day I will and when I do I won't leave again. I wish I had one of those Mt. cabins now plus some sort of job. ... Take good care of the fishing outfit. When I come back we might get to use 'em. Be good and write.
Poverty Hill
June 12 - 50
Dear Tots -
How are you. I rec- the Fathers Day gift Sat. Sure like even. Come on down and help me use them. Lots of creeks rivers oceans and etc. in this country we shouldn't have too much trouble finding water to fish in. How are you and Clady getting along? I wish you could all load up in the old station wagon and come down here. Hugh would like this. I think the only trouble you would have would be when you left getting gone without me. I haint no farmer and probably never will be and for once in my life a good old beat up used car lot would look good to me even old Nate Sloan's lot. But I guess if you could start out on leaving here and do like I used to have to do [with] you kids - look in the back seat to be sure no one was hiding back there - maybe you could slip off and leave me. Tell Clady I wrote her at Alex but if she never gets it she hasn't lost anything. I would like to see you all. I bet Diana is cute. I even miss those little hellions of Clady's. They would really go wild here. Blackberries and all kinds of berries in the woods plus some good springs. Mike and Bob wouldn't even have to come up for water. Tots I raised 300 chickens. They are frying size now. We may not starve but I am awful thirsty dry clear down to my corns. Don't know which is the worst - to starve or dry up and blow away. Only weight 150 now. Well will stop this nonsense and let you get to work. Thanks again for the gifts. Clady sent me more of the prettiest Cornish [games?] you ever saw. I think I will try to get Congress to put more Fathers Days on the calendar. This one was really good.
Write, Dad
added 10/25/2002
July 24 - 50
Dear Hugo - how are you? I am writing you for all your old hats. With your new car you should be having trouble making them fit. I know I would have. But seriously I am glad for you after such d- bad luck on auto- and finance on mine and yours plus everything else and you can still swing a deal for a new car you deserve to be congratulated. And I am really glad for you and Tots as I know a new car has lots of kicks that are not present in old cars. But while we are on the subject of cars I want to give you some advice. I have broken in many new cars and the best way that I can think of to break in yours is for you to load Tots and baby plus Clady & Barrett and kids and drive to VA. It takes most motors 3 or 4000 miles to break in so-- We would like to have you all come and we have plenty to eat chickens garden etc and if you are low on cash you can get a courtesy card from oil co - for your gas and oil. Let us know what you think of it anyway. Mama is canning sour kraut and talking up a storm so if this letter sorta rambles don't pay too much attention. I have to stop and look or hand her a jar or something all the time. Well will close. Think over this proposition and let me know.
Nov 7 - 50
Poverty Hill Va
Dear Tots -
I have been trying to write to you for many moons but I can't even get on a warm trail of my pen. Just located a pencil just now. How are you and Hugo and baby doing? And is it cold there yet? I am sorta under the weather today as I snaked up some trees with the old horse yesterday and a day's work nearly puts me under. Tots I sure hate to hear of you kids being in financial difficulties and I sure wish I could do something about it as I know that we helped put you in that shape. If I had of known then what I know now it would have been different. No one would hire me for any thing now. I look like hell. No clothes no hat no whiskey. I still scare all the little kids in the neighborhood. So even if I could get out of here which I can't I don't think I would earn enough to help much. Maybe some thing will happen yet to get us all leveled off. ... Tots don't expect my letters to have any sense in them. Do you remember all those bees in the corner of the house and all that buzzing noise. Well that's just the deal now. Mama, Grandma, Clady and all the house apes - they have got me groggy nuts in other words. You will never know just what you did to me when you left me here and went home without me. As Kay says left mes off. But I guess it's a good thing you did as this d-- place won't run with me here much less without me. Mama and everybody even Bill thinks I don't do much but if they would follow me all day they I expect would change their minds. An old farm like this takes lots of work just to live on. Chickens cow & calf & hay plus wood water and 10 million other things always. Well Tots I will bring this to a close. Next time maybe I can have something of interest to write to you. Write when you can.
love Dad
added 10/25/2002
Dec 14 - 50
Dear Tots - damn we thought at the last moment something would happen so that you all could come but looks like the old Cottrell luck is still going strong but it may be for the best as these icy roads are sure hell. We have had snow and ice here for nearly a week now and I expect you would have them all the way. We are in the same position this xmas that I am always flat broke so at present it sure don't look like much. I still think they should only have xmas about every ten years or so. Well Tots as Mama is writing and will have all her customary gripes I will close. Be good and write.
love - Dad
Oct 5, 51
Poverty Hill, Va
Dear Hugh - Tots & kids
How are you & how's my baby? You know I have always threatened to burn the room Clady uses when she is here because she leaves it in such a mess that it doesn't look possible to clean it up but this time I wanted to burn the room and Judy was in because I couldn't look in that door with that crib gone for a long time. I sure missed her and still do. ...
There has been a storm just off coast for the last day or so and the wind from it is high. Reminds me of Texas at this time of year. All of you be good and write often.
love Dad
Oct 24 - 51
Dear Kids
How are you? We are all O.K. I guess all except I am working hard trying to get the corn and stuff all up so I will be ready. Tots the fare from here is $56.40. That's a lot of money. I can see that by the time I get all squared away I will get to see my Judy graduate from High School but it can't be helped I guess. Write us when you call and tell every one hello for me.
Poverty Hill Va
Nov 16 [1951 or 1952]
Dear Tots & family.
How are you? And how's my babies? I hate that we have had to miss the cutest period of their lives. By the time we see them again they will be altogether different. Tots I am writing you about the same subject I always bring up at this time of year. Up till now no one has ever paid me much mind but this year they may. It's about Xmas and Xmas presents. As I have always said the only real happy persons concerned are the merchants who got the money while ever one else was in a strain the worry and bother. Trying to stretch dollars to cover more ground than they can do is a nerve racking deal and leaves almost everyone glad when Xmas is over and I for one don't think that is so good. So this Xmas let's all be sensible and just lay off presents. We don't need anything but food and whiskey and neither one can be sent as Xmas gifts. So quit worrying with all you have to do this year. Just send a pretty card or letter. Just a long letter with a few pictures of the babies and we will all be better satisfied than we would with presents that you can't afford. We are not planning much this year. Clady and kids say they are coming and they will be broke too. So you see Tots you are not the only one who will be broke and no one is expecting anything except to just enjoy the season and exchange grins and greetings and that's as it should be. So don't worry any more about it and you will enjoy Xmas more. Wish you all could be here but I guess that's impossible so send those pictures and write more often. Mama is still pretty mean and those kids are horrible and to top it all off Frank & Bernice and their mean little kids come to see us often so tell Hugh to make me a blue print and save me all the copper pipe he can so I can get my still going soon. ...
love Dad
[sometime in 1951-52]
Dear Tots
I am having trouble. I snag those d- cute pictures of my baby up stairs and Mama snags them back down here. I hate to kill her but what can I do? She's getting old anyway. Back to the factory. They sure are good and both those kids are very cute. How did you enjoy your trip to Clady's? I wish you could have kept coming. You had a good part of it made. Must quit nearly mail time.
love Dad
added 10/25/2002
Poverty Hill
March 16 - 52
Dear Tots Hugh & kids. how are all of you? I don't like that remark you made about my Judy being ugly. She will never be ugly. Just sweet. Her and Diana are both pretty. I guess Mama told you about Jerry being here. He left this A.M. to hitch hike all that long way. I sure wanted to get him a ticket but I might as well wanted the moon. As you know how I am fixed. But they all say a kid in uniform has very little trouble getting rides but I won't be easy in my mind until I know he is there safe. He is supposed to be in there by midnight Sat night. I sure hope he makes it. What did the fire do to you all? Nothing I hope as a move sure don't help any and I ought to know. Tots I don't know what they are going to do with our stuff at Alb- - Mama wrote them that Jerry would be down and sell some of the things and pack the rest of it to ship but thats out now as he never did it and he never can now so this time it looks like its gone but I guess we will never know the dif. 100 years from now. I sure have a lot to do now. It has rained ever since I have been home and all my plowing and field work is still ahead of me. You remember when I said so many times I ought to be twins and you said I sounded like a cracked record. Well I am still saying it but I can't imagine anything worse than me unless it would be two so I guess you were right. We have all had the flu that is all the kids did and Mama. I just had a cold & mine didn't hurt me much. Tots tell Hugh if his plant stays down for you and him to come down here and help me farm. We couldn't make any money but we could have lots of fun. Well will close write me when you can and kiss my babies for me. Wish I could see all you.
Love Dad
Poverty Hill
Kents Store Va
Jan 13 [1953]
Dear Tots Hugh & Kids.
How are you? I haven't had a change to write to you and thank you for the check. Bill gave it to me Xmas to reduce my fever that I always take about this time of year. ... I sure fell like h--- getting into this deal and costing all you kids money that I know you can't afford as high as things are. Anyone is lucky that can pay their own bills much less help some one else. This last year was my worst as I raised nearly nothing. One more like that and I will fold up like an accordion. My stock looks like h--- and I am going to have to start bringing feed somehow - how I don't know. But that's enough gripes so I will get back to thanking you kids for all you have done for me. I sure hope some day I can repay you. Sure wish I could see you all. Wish you were here to eat chili with me. I can't afford any beer to wash it down with but if Mama had you and the kids to talk to maybe I could make some behind the stove and she wouldn't know it or we could stand guard on it one at a time with a stick of stove wood. ... It's nearly mail time so will go. Write when you can.
love Dad
added 10/25/2002
[undated after Sep 1954]
Poverty Hill
Dear Tots & Hugh - how are you? I don't know if I ever wrote you and thanked you for my watch or not but I sure do appreciate it. The old devil keeps good time after all its lay off in hock. Are you all coming down this summer? I hope you can. I guess Mama has told you all the news from here except I loathe her and Clady more than I did. Write when you can.
(after the birth of Paul Geissler)
Fri [Mar] 11 - 55
Dear Tots -
I am glad you are getting along so good. I was afraid I would have to drink nearly all the beer when you come down here but from what Mama says you may be competition. I would like to see your new boy. I bet he is cute. What do you think of Tweedy? [Susan] Ain't she cute? You know and Mama can tell you that there is one size for babies when I like them the best. It's when they get about Tweedy's size now. Smaller they don't know you. Bigger they are too smart to have anything to do with me anymore. You all come as quick as you can. ... We are doing all right. I can't eat my cooking but that just means I will have more space for the next beer party. Write again when you can.
love Dad
added 10/25/2002
Aug 3 - 55
Dear Tots & Hugh - come at once I am desperately ill. I have been out of beer ever since you left. I was so dry yesterday Mama and Trisha gave me a glass of Truade. I thought mabbe it would taste like beer so I drank half of it before I tasted the d- stuff. It is deadly poison and unless you come at once and bring some beer I wont make it. Is Butch still growing like he was? he sure is a dandy. Tweedy don't grow much she is still little she just thinks she is getting big. Write us. I think Trisha is ready to go to mail box.
love Dad
(just after Kathryn Geissler was born in November 1956)
Dear Tots - sure glad your big deal is over. I know she is cute. Take good care of her for as you know the value is coming down fast on Tweedie [Susan] and Barbara. They are so mean if we are going to trade them for beer we sure need that cute little one to use as loot. Take care of yourself and come as soon as you can.
love Dad
Thursday 3-
Dear Tots Hugh & kids
How are you and are you having this miserable cold rain? It has been the most lousy weather here all week. Tots the chics came Tues. They are the cutest little devils you ever saw even old scruge or how the h--- you spell it thinks they are cute. The old boy packed too many in too small boxes though. He sent one hundred size and a 50 size and as a result 12 were dead or dying when they got here & were all ready dead and four more had seen enough of this world to not try for any more of it. The chicken house is working fine. I put cardboard over the wire in the battery and then I put that little oil stove under it and it keeps them as warm as can be. I chain a dog in there at night to discourage skunks and so far they are doing fine. I will bet you this bunch will save our lives some hot summer day next year when you and I are broke and out of beer. We will make Mama go rob the chicken house and carry the eggs over to the store and bring us back some beer.
love Dad
May 24 - 63
Dear Tots
How are you feeling? By now you know that for the last hundred years or so the closer it comes time for another kid to be born the more I fret. I used to cold get and stay a little drunk until it was over but know I can't even do that so I just have to fret. So take care of yourself and get this deal over. Let us know when it's over and I will celebrate as much and long as Mama will let me. She hides my bottle you know and I am disgustingly sober by the time I find it. Is it still cold up there? It is here and dry. We don't have anything worth two hoots this year. Mama is writing up what little news so will close. Be careful. Will see you soon I hope.
love Dad
(just after birth of Warren Geissler in June 1963)
Dear Tots
I am glad that you are over with your deal as I know perhaps better than most people just how much h--- that is. There is just one thing that bothers me now and that's why in the h--- are you and Clady hatching out all these little old mean sorry boys? If you produce one that will match Whiskey Pete [Tony Barrett, then age 3] the whole east coast will be in danger. Write when you can.
love Dad
(just after the birth of William Geissler in October 1964)
Dear Tots.
Honey I am glad it's all over for you. As you know I get restless as any of you get close to that time. It seems like I might have walked a million miles or so. Anyway I am glad it's over. Write when you can.
love Dad
June 17 [1968]
Hi. You should be here this morning to help Mama and Carol. You have never heard so much chin music in your life. I try to get them to shut up but I can't win. Honey I don't like to hear about you being sick. If those Yankee SOBs don't treat you right call me and I will come give them a knuckle sandwitch.
love Dad
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