Family Letters     


Letter January 4, 1919, Bird Alexander Robertson to his daughter Allie

Ben Franklin Tex Jan 4 1919

Mr. T.M. Holloway & Family

Dear children I will try and answer your letter which came to hand a few days a go Ma was rite sick when we got your letter lots of Flu in this country Albert Ellis was burried this week and 2 of his children are down with it Virgil Flowers folks is all down with Flu old man Cains & Sam Owens think Sam Owens wife will die so you see we can't leave home Ma sais she would like very mutch to have your stove back but we are in a fix to get any thing or get any thing done so you had better sell there as for the chickens we want to sell there but can't get them to town Eunice & Ruby started up there several days ago have not herd from them don't know whether they got there or not -- if you all can come come on don't wait for us for we don't know when we can come so much sickness and the weather is too bad for us to travel Belle's folks & Nellies is all well as far as I know Belle & Bob are living with Albert -- we staid part of Xmas day with them they were all well there well I have written all I know so I will close for this time with love from your Pa & Ma
Ellis is not-at-home to night - this is Saturday night the 4th Jan 1919

Note: Bird Alexander Robertson died, presumably of influenza, on January 23, 1919 -- 19 days after this letter was written.

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