Letter before 1903, G.B. Robertson to his daughter Mary Isabella
Cooper, Texas, Oct 28th
Mr Amos & Marry Hendrix and the Children all Dear Children we have just received your welcom Letter and very glad to hear from you and that you was well and had made a good crop but at the same time we was sorry to hear that you was in trouble you failed to tell us what your trouble was maby I could halve helped you out by my advise if nothing more. I will get my cotton picked out this week, and half to give it a way it will take all to pay our debts and I fear it will not do it Cotton is worth from 5 to 5 1/4 and not much prospect it getting any better We are well as comon
All the Connection is well as far as I know We are very poor and hard run but we can yet aford to buy our stamp but if you are over burden or are getting rich to fast you can send a few hundred and I gessed I could use it I was very glad of the Stamp though for evry little helps I have no news to write We want to see you all very bad and I want you to come and see us We are thinking of moving to Birds to live next year he has a house for us Write soon and
let know all the news Love to All GB R & IR Robertson