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| " I, David Baker Senr. of the County of Yancey and State of N[o] Carolina (Farmer) -- Being Weak in Body but Perfect in Mind and Memory, Thanks be Given unto God.
Calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body and Knowing that it is Appointed for all Men once to Due, do Make and Ordain this My Last Will and Testament, that is to say principally and first of all, I Give and Recommend my Soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Mighty Power of God. And as Touching such Worldly Estate wherewith It has Pleased God to Help me in this life I Give Demise and dispose off in the following Mannmer & form
viz First I Give and Bequeath to Dorothy my Dearly Beloved Wife all my Estate Both Real and Personal by her freely to be Possessed off and Enjoyed during her Natural Life and at her Decease to be equally Divided Between my Beloved Children (viz) Susannah, Martin, David, Dorothy, Josiah, Sophia & Charles.
To the rest of my Children (viz) Elizabeth Baley, Thomas, William, Nancy Davenport, Critenden and Mary McKinney I Give Nothing in Consequence of having Given them a Reasonable Portion of my Estates heretofore.
I Likewise Constitute Make and Ordain David D. Baker and Josiah Baker the sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament and I hereby disallow revoke and Disannul all and every other former Testaments, Wills, Legacies, Bequeaths and Executions by Me in any Wise before named Will and Bequeathes, Ratifying & Confirming this and no Other to be My Last Will & Testament.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set My hand & Seal
This 26th Day of January A.D. 1838
Tested: Thomas Wilson Sign[d]: David Baker (seal)"